Your datastream
under control



new Website online

After a long time it is done. The NTS Workspace AG shines with a new web presence!

After a long time it is done: The NTS Workspace AG shines with a new web presence!
We like to give credits to the creative heads of sinneszellen for a great design and to internezzo for a perfect implementation.


Renewable energy for colozü now uses 100% of its energy from renewable sources (naturemade basic). now uses 100% of its energy from renewable sources (naturemade basic) which means that this energy is produced either from hydroelectric power-plants or also wind/biomass plants.


Expansion Colobâle

Since June 2012 the 2nd Expansion-phase in the ColoBâle is in progress.

Since June 2012 the 2nd Expansion-phase in the ColoBâle is in progress. The expansion brings an additional 600 square meters of data center space.
Please see also:


New Core Routers

nts workspace ag relies in the core on the new Cisco ASR 9000 Router

The new ASR 9010 Cisco routers in the core of nts workspace ag ensure highest availability, flexibility and speed.


Hydropower for colobern

We have an agreement with our power operator Energie Wasser Bern for our two colocation sites in Bern.

We have an agreement with our power operator Energie Wasser Bern for our two colocation sites in Bern. Consumption of more than 10 GWh of hydropower allows us to completely dispense with electricity from nuclear or coal/gas power stations.