


Renewal of the core network

We have done everything in the past few months, in order to meet your future requirements.

We have done everything in the past few months, in order to meet your future requirements. So our network core and distribution layers were renewed in several steps.
For those areas of the network, we rely on the powerful Cisco ASR9000 series router. This currently allows us to transport up to 20Gbit/s network traffic between our data centers. The future expandability is also ensured.


Further increase energy efficiency

Further investments in our data centers as part of the federal energy efficiency program PUEDA.

The data centers Colobern North / South, colozü and ColoZug operated by NTS Workspace AG are already very efficient in its use of resources. At the various sites several measures to increase energy efficiency such as cold aisle containment, free-cooling and heat recovery (in order to heat the building) have already been implemented.
As part of the funding of the federal PUEDA program, all sites have been analyzed in detail again and corresponding optimization potential was developed.
To the identified technical measures include (not exhaustive, depends on location): heat recovery in order to heat the building, optimization of the cold aisles, replacement of CRAC units with higher efficiency, light control with presence detectors and more.


More space for your servers

New colocation room ready for services

New colocation room CZH 4.2 ready for services - 60 more racks already installed and equipped. Expansion area optimized for cage projects also available.


Successful wintertime

Our heat-recovery-system at our datacenter Colobern North worked well during the last half year.

Our heat-recovery-system at our datacenter Colobern North worked well during the last half year. Thanks to the waste heat of the datacenter, 60'000 liters of heating oil were substituted. With this measure, more than 220 tons of CO2 has been saved. In Berne and Zurich electrical energy is based solely on renewable sources (hydro-electric power).


Colocation Information-Videos

Two new videos explain vividly the subjects cold corridor and power redundancy.

The two videos show the principle of the cold corridor respectively the power redundancy and clarify what has to be considered as a colocation customer. Many thanks to sinneszellen for the successful animations.