NTS goes 100G
Expanding our DWDM systems with 100G technology
Together with our supplier Deltanet we will expand our existing DWDM network with coherent 100 Gbps connections in the next few weeks.
In a first step, we will equip five data centers on our metro ring Bern-Zurich-Basel-Bern with the new interface cards.
Already 10 years ago we built our first WDM transport networks with our supplier Deltanet and we are looking forward to a continuation of this proven partnership in the 100Gbps age.
Our first apprentice is here
We warmly welcome our new employee Michael Teuscher. He starts this week with a apprenticeship in computer science.
However, our youngest employee won't be in our office for about a year. Until then he visits the base apprenticeship year at the ICT Berufsbildungscenter.
NTS helps in stabilizing the Swiss electricity grid
After an unplanned reactor scram at the nuclear power plant in Gösgen our emergency Diesels have delivered appropriate balancing power on July 13th
The emergency Diesel generators of our data centers are integrated in a so-called balancing power pool of the Swiss high-voltage grid, which is operated by the SwissGrid.
During grid instabilities such as on July 13th which arise among others due to failures of large power plants, other energy producers provide the required power, which are kept as reserves.
The nuclear power plant in Gösgen was automatically switched off and disconnected from the grid due to incorrect operation. Therefore about one gigawatt was missing in the Swiss electricity grid. Part of it was generated by our power systems (emergency Diesel generators) and fed into the grid. With this demand, the monthly test run and therefore all processes including alerting and automatic re-fueling has been tested live.
Ecological heating with waste heat
The heat recovery systems of our two data center locations Colobern North and Colobern South also supplied green heat this winter.
Last winter, both buildings of our Bernese datacenter locations were heated completely by waste heat.
This allowed the substitution of nearly 80,000 liters of heating oil and therefore approx. 212 tons of CO2 emmissions were reduced.
Since the energy for the heat pumps were sourced 100% from renewable sources - primarily Swiss hydropower, the buildings were heated completely emission-free.
For the site Colobern South we have entered into negotiations to allow the heat deliveries also to neighboring lots.
The City Council of Berne approves loans for second data center
In order to increase the reliability of the IT infrastructure operations, the city of Berne is investing in a redundant data center. The second site is hosted and operated by the NTS Workspace AG.
The City Council has approved the requested investment and operating loans by a large majority. Thus, in January 2015, the planning and implementation of the second data center will start. When completed, the city of Berne has a fully redundant data center operation, which will guarantee the security, stability and a very high availability of the computer and communications platform.